These are the parts you would need to covert from your existing
Bilstein SM suspension to a smooth body Penske SM Suspension.
Included in this kit are the following items:
(2) Penske Front Shocks (smooth body)
(2) Penske Rear Shocks (smooth body)
(4) Penske Bump Stops
If you wish to purchase pre-drilled shock hats plese select them from the drop down list. These would be brand new Mazda NB (99-05) shock hats that are drilled up the the proper size for you to accept the Penske bump stop kit. You can do this yourself which will require a $40.00 15/16" drill bit and a $20.00 chamfer drill bit and some time.
The radius or chamfer on the top and bottom side of the top hat after upsize drilling the hole is critical to get right in order for the Penske bump stop to sit flush on the hat and not come loose. Some people are offering this same service by punching it and then using a de-burr tool to clean up the edge. We put them in a CNC and use an end mill to create the proper sized hole and chamfer on both sides consistently and accurately with the CNC.
You can also add new spring isolators from the drop down list if you don't want to re-use your existing ones. You can re-use your existing ones however if you have glued them to the shock hat they may be hard to remove without damaging them depending on what you used to glue them down. Most should be able to remove them and re-use them.